Sunday, September 25, 2022

Download android support repository revision 47.0.0

Download android support repository revision 47.0.0

Subscribe to RSS,Revision 26.0.0 Beta 1

 · Sorted by: Download the latest support repository. Here is the link for version v To get the most recent version check out the update below. Extract the downloaded zip Download, Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM installer) API Revision Google TV Addon API 13 Revision, Download, Android Support Repository API. Download the support library ·  · Changes for v4 Support Library: blogger.comleExtender has new getHintDisplayActionInline () and setHintDisplayActionInline () methods for compatibility  · Download Here - android support repository  · TZ blogger.comption: Failed to move away or delete existing target file: C:\java\androidsdk\android-sdk\extras\android\m2repository. Install ... read more

Browser actions provides a protocol for app developers to launch a consistent but customizable context menu for URLs. This feature is dependent on the presence of a browser app such as Chrome, where this feature is still under development that implements support for browser actions. getSystemService and getSystemServiceName allow system service lookups by type on all API levels. Bug fixes Fragment ViewModel's onCleared not called AOSP issue onLoadFinished called multiple times in ViewPager with FragmentPagerAdapter AOSP issue RecyclerView's LinearLayoutManager's smoothScrollToPosition displays erratic back and forth movement under certain circumstances AOSP issue Revision While the API remains unchanged, there are a number of behavior changes: initLoader , restartLoader , and destroyLoader can now only be called on the main thread. onLoadFinished will only be called between onStart and onStop. As a result, Fragment transactions can now safely be done in onLoadFinished.

The FragmentController methods related to Loaders are now deprecated. You can now determine if the Dialog was manually dismissed in onStop by checking if getDialog. isShowing returns false. New APIs ListAdapter for RecyclerView along with AsyncListDiffer make it easier to compute list diffs on a background thread. These can help your RecyclerView animate content changes automatically, with minimal work on the UI thread. They use DiffUtil under the hood. ReplaceAll enables updating all data in a SortedList, which runs all appropriate animations for inserts, removals, changes, and moves moves are treated as removals and inserts. FragmentActivity and Fragment now implement ViewModelStoreOwner and can now be used with the ViewModelProvider constructors as an alternative to using ViewModelProviders.

of Fragments now have requireContext , requireActivity , requireHost , and requireFragmentManager methods, which return a NonNull object of the equivalent get methods or throw an IllegalStateException. requireViewById , a NonNull compat version of findViewById has been added to WindowCompat , ActivityCompat , and ViewCompat , which throw an IllegalArgumentException when the target cannot be found. LoaderCallbacks methods now have the appropriate Nullable and NonNull annotations. Bug fixes Fragment that initializes Loader in onCreate has broken lifecycle inside ViewPager LoaderManager throws IllegalStateException in onLoadFinished LoaderViewModel does not clear its Loaders in onCleared Class file for android. ViewModelStoreOwner not found DialogFragment onDismiss not called immediately after dismiss Country flag emoji don't work on release keys devices when using downloadable fonts Preferences library uses attributes that will not work on old versions of Android MediaCompat's testlib artifact types are incorrectly documented AOSP issue Google Sans crash in TypefaceCompatUtil Expose ArraySet constructor that takes in Collection.

updateApi removes. ignore files that should be preserved redundant MainFragments created in BrowseFragment Remove use of reflection from CarRecyclerView java. IllegalStateException at FragmentManagerImpl. checkStateLoss Got undocumented java. SecurityException when using android. checkSelfPermission RecyclerView IndexOutOfBoundsException because State. mPreviousLayoutItemCount not cleared in setAdapter AOSP issue Fragment that initializes Loader in onCreate has broken lifecycle inside ViewPager AOSP issue FragmentManagerImpl. execSingleAction crashes Revision IllegalStateException : Fragment has not been attached yet. Unable to dismiss 'Cast' icon pop-up by tapping anywhere on the screen. MediaMetadataCompat throws BadParcelableException. Issue The color of disabled buttons is too light on older API levels. After a user scrolls, they cannot click on an item in a RecyclerView. AOSP issue In Talkback , clicking on more options does not cause the system to announce the new popup or to add focus to the new options.

getActivity Fragment. getContext This can cause Kotlin compilation errors when the nullable return types aren't properly handled. Fragment can use support library versions of Transition for fragment transitions, including shared-element transitions. Content paging library android. ContentPager provides support for paging content exposed via a ContentProvider. Use of this library allows a client to avoid expensive interprocess "cursor window swaps" on the UI thread, providing a compatibility library for the Android 8. ViewCompat now adds wrappers for autofill methods, including getImportantForAutofill , isImportantForAutofill , setAutofillHints , and setImportantForAutofill. Leanback gets new features and polish, and loses some deprecated classes, such as: Picker now can use different separators between each column using the setSeparators method. DiffCallback has been added to allow ArrayObjectAdapter to take advantage of the output provided by DiffUtil.

Infrastructure added to support media players with variable controls, adding optional controls for fast-forward, repeat, shuffle, next, previous, and rewind. Removal of MediaControllerGlue , PlaybackControlGlue, PlaybackControlSupportGlue , and PlaybackOverlayFragment. For testing, the PollingCheck utility is ported from AOSP CTS. It polls for a condition to happen within a timeout window. Infrastructure added to support runtime permissions on Instant Apps for Android 5. Trusted custom tabs now supported, along with the ability to define a relationship between an application and an origin URI. Learn more about Collectives. Learn more about Teams. Android studio components installation fails on a mac Ask Question.

Asked 5 years, 1 month ago. Modified 5 years, 1 month ago. Viewed 1k times. On a mac, installing the latest android studio components fails, with the following error: Preparing "Install Android Support Repository revision: I am not sure why it times out, as I am on a 40Mb down connection. Anything I can do? Note: this is a freshly downloaded android studio installation, not an upgrade or anything. android android-studio. Improve this question. asked Jul 27, at Amit Amit 5, 6 6 gold badges 39 39 silver badges 87 87 bronze badges. You could download the links yourself and move them to the SDK directory — OneCricketeer.

Add a comment. Sorted by: Reset to default. Snackbar now draws behind the navigation bar if the status bar is translucent. MediaRouter library Bluetooth devices are no longer listed as media routes. Deprecations Deprecated classes and methods are subject to removal in a future release. Several methods on the following classes were only required for API 8 and lower, and should no longer be used. Instead, use the framework implementations. KeyEventCompat : Replace with KeyEvent android. MotionEventCompat : Use MotionEvent android. ViewCompat : Use View android. ViewConfigurationCompat : Use ViewConfiguration AccessibilityServiceInfoCompat. getDescription has been deprecated in favor of AccessibilityServiceInfoCompat. loadDescription , which returns a correctly localized description. You should not instantiate the ActivityCompat class directly. The non-static getReferrer Activity method will be made static in an upcoming release. isDirty has been deprecated and is no longer called by CoordinatorLayout.

Any implementations, as well as any calls to this method, should be removed. obtain has been deprecated and replaced with the more appropriately-named method fromMediaSession. obtain has been deprecated and replaced with the more appropriately-named method fromQueueItem. Several abstract classes have been deprecated and replaced with interfaces that more closely reflect their framework equivalents. AccessibilityStateChangeListenerCompat has been replaced by the AccessibilityManagerCompat. AccessibilityStateChangeListener interface. OnCloseListenerCompat has been replaced by the SearchViewCompat. OnCloseListener interface. OnQueryTextListenerCompat has been replaced by the SearchViewCompat.

OnQueryTextListener interface. setToolbarItem has been deprecated and replaced by the RemoteViews-based setSecondaryToolbarViews. Bug fixes The following known issues have been fixed with release This issue caused apps that depended on support libraries with resources such as design and appcompat to encounter issues caused by resource ID mismatches. WearableExtender has new getHintDisplayActionInline and setHintDisplayActionInline methods for compatibility with Android Wear 2. These methods allow an application to specify that an action should be displayed inline with the notification. Calling Fragment.

setUserVisbileHint will no longer cause a fragment to become started if the hint has been added to a FragmentTransaction that is not yet committed. This affects users of FragmentPagerAdapter that override setUserVisbileHint and assume a specific lifecycle state of the fragment after calling super. For more information, see the reference page for docs for Fragment. Fixed issues: TabLayout. setCustomView null results in NullPointerException AOSP issue TabLayout incorrectly highlights custom tabs AOSP issue AppCompatTextHelper uses incorrectly sorted attribute array AOSP issue Unable to reference VectorDrawable from drawable container XML when using custom ContextWrapper AOSP issue ViewDragHelper. commitNow for synchronous commit Added NotificationCompat. MessagingStyle for multi-party conversations Added NotificationManagerCompat.

areNotificationsEnabled and getImportance MediaSessionCompat now mirrors the functionality of MediaSession and no longer calls setMediaButtonReceiver automatically Note: Only MediaBrowserServiceCompat in version Changes for v7 appcompat library : Added support for referencing themed ColorStateList objects from XML Changes for Design Support Library : Improvements to AppBarLayout handling of elevation using StateListAnimator Changes for v17 Leanback library : Added OnboardingFragment to provide first-run welcome and setup flow Changes for custom tabs : Added support for providing a RemoteViews hierarchy for the secondary toolbar Added CustomTabsClient. connectAndInitialize for one-line warm up Revision Issue Fixed issue where app bar wasn't drawn after being scrolled offscreen. Issue Changes for v7 appcompat library : Added AppCompatDelegate. setCompatVectorFromResourcesEnabled method to re-enable usage of vector drawables in DrawableContainer objects on devices running Android 4.

See AppCompat v Fixed an issue in API 23 with AppCompatDelegate. setDefaultNightMode not loading correct resources in API level Issue Fixed issue that could cause NullPointerException. Issue Changes for Design Support Library : Fixed an issue where TextInputLayout doesn't clear error tint after setErrorEnabled false on API level 21 - 22 Issue Fixed an issue where FloatingActionButton does not return when animations are disabled. Issue Fixed issue in AppBarLayout snap functionality when used with scroll enterAlways enterAlwaysCollapsed snap scroll flags. Issue Changes for Vector Drawable library: Fixed a bug where VectorDrawableCompat does not render correctly in TextView on API level Issue Revision hasStartedFromLauncher lets you know if the user has launched your app from the home screen before, or if it has only been started by other means for example, to view specific web URLs.

Fixed a memory leak in MediaBrowserServiceCompat. Issue Fixed issue where ViewPager does not account for page margins when flipping page. Issue Fragment. onRequestPermissionsResult is now delivered to child fragments. Changes for v7 appcompat library : Fixed an issue in AppCompatSpinner that could cause multiple popups to appear. Issue Fixed an issue with how borderless buttons were colored. Issue Fixed a compatibility issue between AppCompatDialogFragment and AlertDialog. Issue Reverted changes to TintResources that were causing memory and configuration issues. Issue Changes for v7 Preference library: Fixed issue where PreferenceFragmentCompat would crash if dividerHeight is specified. Issue Changes for v7 recyclerview library : Fixed a bug where RecyclerView would not invoke scroll callbacks if the range of visible items shrank.

Issue Fixed a bug where RecyclerView would freeze if it was in linear layout, was weighted, and contained images. Issue Fixed a crash in OrientationHelper. Issue Fixed a crash with usages of android:nestedScrollingEnabled. Issue Changes for Design Support Library : Fixed a bug where a hidden bottom sheet would handle touch events. Issue Fixed a layout issue with BottomSheetBehavior when fitsSystemWindows is true. Issue Fixed an accessibility issue with Snackbar. Issue Fixed a crash on Snackbar swipe. Issue Fixed a bug in AppBarLayout with enterAlways. Issue Fixed a bug where TextInputLayout unnecessarily clears EditText object's background color filter. wrap and LayerDrawable on API levels 17 to Issue Fixed an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in ViewDragHelper.

Issue Fixed a bug in ViewPager related to scroll calculation for size changes. Fixed a NullPointerException when DrawerLayout. removeDrawerListener is called without a set DrawerLayout. Issue Fixed a bug where ViewPager does not set AccessibilityEvent parameters properly when scrolling. Fixed an issue that caused lag during device rotation when using Drawable. Issue Changes for v7 appcompat library : Reverted dependency on vector assets so that developers using the appcompat library are not forced to use VectorDrawable and its associated build flags. Fixed a compatibility issue with Night Mode and API level Issue Fixed a compatibility issue with SwitchCompat and API level 7. Issue Fixed an issue with propagating configuration values in Resources objects Issue Fixed a compatibility issue where the android.

MediaStyle cancel button becomes invisible on API level 21 and below. Issue Fixed a compatibility crash with AppCompatSpinner on API level 21 and below. Issue Fixed a crash when restoring SearchView. Issue Fixed a memory leak that occurs when tinting drawable resources using AppCompat. Issue Fixed an issue with KeyEvent on API level 11 and lower. Issue Changes for v7 cardview library : Added Night Mode support for CardView. Issue Changes for v7 recyclerview library : Fixed bugs related to various measure-spec methods. Issue Reduced the lockdown period in which RecyclerView does not allow adapter changes while calculating a layout or scroll. Issue Fixed a crash when calling notifyItemChanged on an item that is out of view. Issue Fixed a crash that occurs when RecyclerView.

LayoutManager adds and removes a view in the same measurement pass. Issue Changes for v7 mediarouter library : Fixed a crash that occurs when calling MediaRouter. getInstance on API level Issue Changes for v17 Leanback Library : Fixed an issue with GridLayout. onAddFocusables that caused the wrong item to be selected. Fixed issue with GuidedStepFragment actions disappearing after an action was collapsed. Changes for Design Support Library : Fixed a TabLayout crash caused by tab-pooling. Issue Fixed a bug in NavigationView that caused the wrong color to be selected. Issue Fixed a bug where setBackgroundTintList was no longer able to change the background color. Issue Fixed an issue where BottomSheetDialog did not display short content views correctly. Issue Fixed an issue where BottomSheetDialogFragment moved sporadically when content inside was changed.

Issue Fixed a crash in TextInputLayout counter link Fixed a crash that occurred when TextInputLayout. getCounterMaxLength restored a saved state. Issue Fixed a ClassCastException that occurred when restoring a CoordinatorLayout using the saved state of a view that was not a CoordinatorLayout. Changes for VectorDrawableCompat: Fixed a bug where the wrong variable was read for android:tintMode. The system now calls onActivityResult for a nested FragmentActivity. Changes for v7 AppCompat library : Added Night Mode functionality to API level 14 and higher. Switch between Material Light and Material Dark Themes based on the time of day or app-specific setting. xml AppCompatDelegate.

setLocalNightMode : overrides the night mode setting for the local app component. getDefaultNightMode : returns the default night mode. Changes for v7 mediarouter library : MediaRouteControllerDialog now correctly applies custom app theme colors. Changes for Design support library : Added support for bottom sheets. An interaction plugin, BottomSheetBehavior , allows a child view of a CoordinatorLayout to act as a bottom sheet. The base class, BottomSheetCallback , provides callbacks to monitor bottom sheet events. Changes for the CustomTabs support library : Chrome Custom Tabs now allows apps to include a bottom bar with action buttons in addition to the existing top action button.

addToolBarItem : adds an action button to a custom tab. You can use this to add multiple buttons. setToolBarItem : updates the visuals for toolbar items. This method will only succeed if it is given a valid id and the browser session is in the foreground. Added VectorDrawable support library: Added Classes: VectorDrawableCompat AnimatedVectorDrawableCompat Adds support for VectorDrawable assets to apps running on API level 7 or higher. AnimatedVectorDrawable assets are also supported on API level 11 or higher. Vector assets can be considerably smaller than image assets and should help reduce app size by reducing the amount of assets required to support multiple device screens.

This library is now a dependency of the v7 AppCompat library , allowing developers and AppCompat to easily use vector drawables. To use VectorDrawableCompat within an ImageButton or ImageView , use the app:srcCompat XML attribute or setImageResource method. To keep referencing attribute IDs on API level 20 or lower, add the following appt flag to your build,gradle file: If you are building with Android Plugin for Gradle 1. gradle file: android { defaultConfig { vectorDrawables. setButtonActions : sets a list of GuidedAction buttons that the user may select from the Actions view. Description fields are now editable: GuidedAction. getEditDescription : returns the editable description as a CharSequence. Added drop-down lists of sub-actions: GuidedAction.

setSubActions : sets a GuidedAction list as a drop-down menu of sub-actions. Added the GuidedDatePickerAction widget for DatePicker functionality: The date is selected using year, month, and day columns and has a customizable range. Builder : builder class for the GuidedDatePickerAction object. datePickerFormat String datePickerFormat : set the desired date format by passing the appropriate three-character String , e. Alternatively, use the datePickerFormat XML attribute. Changes for v7 RecyclerView library : RecyclerView now has an opt-in feature called AutoMeasure which allows RecyclerView. LayoutManager to easily wrap content or handle various measurement specifications provided by the parent of the RecyclerView. It supports all existing animation capabilities of the RecyclerView. If you have a custom RecyclerView. LayoutManager , call setAutoMeasureEnabled true to start using the new AutoMeasure API. All built-in RecyclerView. LayoutManager objects enable auto-measure by default.

LayoutManager no longer ignores some RecyclerView. When updating a RecyclerView. ViewHolder with payload information, DefaultItemAnimator now disables change animations. You can now modify the ItemTouchHelper escape velocity to control swipe sensitivity. To make it easier or harder to swipe, override getSwipeEscapeVelocity float defaultValue and modify defaultValue. Issue Changes for v7 preference library: Fixed an issue with ProGuard usage. Issue Changes for v17 Leanback Support library: Fixed a number of internal issues in this library. Changes for Design Support library: Added the getHeaderView method to the NavigationView class. Fixed a transparent background issue for a FloatingActionButton object on devices running Android 4. It allows you to receive callbacks when the scroll X or Y positions change. The MediaSessionCompat class has a constructor that can automatically find a media button receiver in the manifest. A media button receiver is a key part to handling playback controls from hardware or bluetooth controls.

Changes for v7 appcompat library: Added material design Seekbar and ImageButton widgets. Updated the ImageView widget to support the tint feature. Updated the look-and-feel of the SwitchCompat widget.

This page provides details about the most recent Support Library package releases. For earlier releases, see the Support Library Revisions Archive. This is the stable release of Support Library This will be the last feature release under the android. support packaging, and developers are encouraged to migrate to AndroidX. This release candidate of the support library is considered feature-complete and its public API surface is stable. This release will be shipped as final stable version barring any critical issues that may arise.

This release should be safe to use in production. Please report any issues to the public issue tracker. Note: Some libraries, such as media2, have remained in alpha stage as their API surfaces are not yet finalized. We do not recommend using alpha libraries in production. Libraries should strictly avoid depending on alpha libraries in production, as their API surfaces may change in source- and binary-incompatible ways. This beta release of the Support Library is considered feature-complete and its public API surface is stable, barring any critical issues that may arise. While this release is safe to use in production, it may still contain bugs. Note: Its API surface is subject to change, and it does not necessarily include features or bug fixes from the latest stable versions of Support Library.

This is a special release to integrate the Support Library with Lifecycles from Architecture Components. For more information, see the Architecture Components release notes. Important: The support libraries are now available through Google's Maven repository. You do not need to download the support repository from the SDK Manager. For more information, see Support Library Setup. Content and code samples on this page are subject to the licenses described in the Content License. Platform Android Studio Google Play Jetpack Kotlin Docs Games. Overview Releases Multi-device Wear Technology Large Screens Privacy Health Connect. Platform Overview Releases Multi-device Wear Technology Large Screens Privacy Health Connect Android Studio Google Play Jetpack Kotlin Docs Games. Platform Architecture Generic System Image. Support library. Revision History. Android Developers. Revision New features AnimatedStateListDrawableCompat provides animated transitions between drawable states.

VectorDrawableCompat gains support for gradient and ColorStateList fills and strokes. If no custom theme is provided, PreferenceThemeOverlay is used as the default theme. v14 and PreferenceThemeOverlay. Material themes have been deprecated in favour of PreferenceThemeOverlay. PreferenceGroup visibility is now tied to its children - hiding a parent group will also prevent its children from being shown in the hierarchy. Use Preference. isShown to get whether a Preference is actually displayed to the user in the hierarchy. onSetInitialValue boolean, Object has been deprecated and replaced with onSetInitialValue Object. PreferenceDataStore now also correctly restores default values. toString OffsettingListUpdateCallback. onMoved calls mCallback. onRemoved instead of mCallback. onMoved Issue Revision setRecycledViewPool increases attachCount even when adapter is null RecyclerView NPE if SmoothScroller.

onStop calling stop or startSmoothScroller Fragment Replacement transaction causes previous fragment to flicker after new fragment is shown AOSP issue Loader callback breaking change in Important changes As previously noted in the Android KTX announcement , we are continuing to adopt the androidx package prefix across our libraries. A selection of brand-new libraries, including heifwriter and recyclerview-selection , are starting out in this new package. We hope the division between android. We have split parts of support-core-ui, support-core-utils, and support-compat into smaller libraries. This change will help us detangle support library dependencies in the future.

We now have the following new libraries: asynclayoutinflater from support-core-ui collections from support-compat coordinatorlayout from design cursoradapter from support-core-ui customview from support-core-ui documentfile from support-core-utils drawerlayout from support-core-ui interpolator from support-core-ui loader from support-fragments and core-utils localbroadcastmanager from support-core-utils print from support-core-utils slidingpanelayout from support-core-ui swiperefreshlayout from support-core-ui viewpager from support-core-ui New APIs recyclerview-selection provides item selection support for RecyclerView. The package provides: Support for creating, modifying, inspecting, and monitoring changes to a set of selected items in a RecyclerView list.

Support for intuitive multi-selection actions: Touch-driven selection allows users to select ranges of items with an intuitive long-press-and-drag gesture. Support for touch-centric devices, including phone and touch-enabled laptop form-factors, as well as pointer-centric devices. HEIF Writer provides support for writing HEIF-format still images. MaterialComponents , with new attributes and updated styles for components. slices-builders contains methods to build content in a template format. slices-view contain methods to present that content. Browser actions provides a protocol for app developers to launch a consistent but customizable context menu for URLs. This feature is dependent on the presence of a browser app such as Chrome, where this feature is still under development that implements support for browser actions. getSystemService and getSystemServiceName allow system service lookups by type on all API levels. Bug fixes Fragment ViewModel's onCleared not called AOSP issue onLoadFinished called multiple times in ViewPager with FragmentPagerAdapter AOSP issue RecyclerView's LinearLayoutManager's smoothScrollToPosition displays erratic back and forth movement under certain circumstances AOSP issue Revision While the API remains unchanged, there are a number of behavior changes: initLoader , restartLoader , and destroyLoader can now only be called on the main thread.

onLoadFinished will only be called between onStart and onStop. As a result, Fragment transactions can now safely be done in onLoadFinished. The FragmentController methods related to Loaders are now deprecated. You can now determine if the Dialog was manually dismissed in onStop by checking if getDialog. isShowing returns false. New APIs ListAdapter for RecyclerView along with AsyncListDiffer make it easier to compute list diffs on a background thread. These can help your RecyclerView animate content changes automatically, with minimal work on the UI thread. They use DiffUtil under the hood. ReplaceAll enables updating all data in a SortedList, which runs all appropriate animations for inserts, removals, changes, and moves moves are treated as removals and inserts.

FragmentActivity and Fragment now implement ViewModelStoreOwner and can now be used with the ViewModelProvider constructors as an alternative to using ViewModelProviders. of Fragments now have requireContext , requireActivity , requireHost , and requireFragmentManager methods, which return a NonNull object of the equivalent get methods or throw an IllegalStateException. requireViewById , a NonNull compat version of findViewById has been added to WindowCompat , ActivityCompat , and ViewCompat , which throw an IllegalArgumentException when the target cannot be found. LoaderCallbacks methods now have the appropriate Nullable and NonNull annotations. Bug fixes Fragment that initializes Loader in onCreate has broken lifecycle inside ViewPager LoaderManager throws IllegalStateException in onLoadFinished LoaderViewModel does not clear its Loaders in onCleared Class file for android.

ViewModelStoreOwner not found DialogFragment onDismiss not called immediately after dismiss Country flag emoji don't work on release keys devices when using downloadable fonts Preferences library uses attributes that will not work on old versions of Android MediaCompat's testlib artifact types are incorrectly documented AOSP issue Google Sans crash in TypefaceCompatUtil Expose ArraySet constructor that takes in Collection. updateApi removes. ignore files that should be preserved redundant MainFragments created in BrowseFragment Remove use of reflection from CarRecyclerView java. IllegalStateException at FragmentManagerImpl. checkStateLoss Got undocumented java. SecurityException when using android. checkSelfPermission RecyclerView IndexOutOfBoundsException because State. mPreviousLayoutItemCount not cleared in setAdapter AOSP issue Fragment that initializes Loader in onCreate has broken lifecycle inside ViewPager AOSP issue FragmentManagerImpl.

execSingleAction crashes Revision IllegalStateException : Fragment has not been attached yet. Unable to dismiss 'Cast' icon pop-up by tapping anywhere on the screen. MediaMetadataCompat throws BadParcelableException. Issue The color of disabled buttons is too light on older API levels. After a user scrolls, they cannot click on an item in a RecyclerView. AOSP issue In Talkback , clicking on more options does not cause the system to announce the new popup or to add focus to the new options. getActivity Fragment. getContext This can cause Kotlin compilation errors when the nullable return types aren't properly handled. Fragment can use support library versions of Transition for fragment transitions, including shared-element transitions.

Content paging library android. ContentPager provides support for paging content exposed via a ContentProvider. Use of this library allows a client to avoid expensive interprocess "cursor window swaps" on the UI thread, providing a compatibility library for the Android 8.

Support Library Revision Archive,Revision 26.0.0 Beta 2

 · Download Here - android support repository  · On a mac, installing the latest android studio components fails, with the following error: Preparing "Install Android Support Repository (revision:  · Sorted by: Download the latest support repository. Here is the link for version v To get the most recent version check out the update below. Extract the downloaded zip - Android Support Repository (extras;android;m2repository) Preparing "Install Android Support Repository (revision: )". Failed to read or create install properties file  · Changes for v4 Support Library: blogger.comleExtender has new getHintDisplayActionInline () and setHintDisplayActionInline () methods for compatibility  · TZ blogger.comption: Failed to move away or delete existing target file: C:\java\androidsdk\android-sdk\extras\android\m2repository. Install ... read more

png — MrSiro. Since gradle doesn't support declaring repositories on a per-artifact basis yet. You do not need to download the support repository from the SDK Manager. Deprecated classes and methods are subject to removal in a future release. skipToNext PlaybackControlGlue. Adds support for encapsulation of user interface and functionality with fragments , enabling applications to provide layouts that adjust between small and large-screen devices.

Fragment can use support library versions of Transition for fragment transitions, including shared-element transitions. DiffCallback has been added to allow ArrayObjectAdapter to take advantage of the output provided by DiffUtil. mPreviousLayoutItemCount not cleared in setAdapter AOSP issue Fragment that initializes Loader in onCreate has broken lifecycle inside ViewPager AOSP issue FragmentManagerImpl, download android support repository revision 47.0.0. Android Support libraries are normally installed via sdkmanager. Updated the ImageView widget to support the tint feature. gradle to force all dependency to react-native to specific version: allprojects { configurations.

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